The Road To Victory

2009 Miss Connecticut Teen USA

2013 Miss Connecticut USA, 1st Runner Up

2014 Miss Connecticut USA, 2nd Runner Up

2015 Miss Connecticut USA, 2nd Runner Up

2016 Miss Connecticut USA!!!

Tiffany Teixeira Is Crowned 2016 Miss Connecticut USA

Tiffany Teixeira,


  • Native of Bridgeport, Connecticut.
  • Early 20s
  • Registered nurse at Yale New Haven Hospital.

2016-miss-connecticut-usa-pagent-tiffany-teixeiraTiffany found Linda Stephens through her website in June of 2013, looking to train for the 2013 Miss Connecticut USA Pageant.

She was interested in Linda’s 12 week program training program which includes a combination of nutrition, fitness, body sculpting and presentation strategies. In particular, Tiffany was interested in body fat reduction, losing 15lbs, body sculpting, coaching and emotional support.

Images to Right and Left: Tiffany achieves the 2016 Miss Connecticut USA title!!

Linda Stephens Tells The Story of Tiffany

This was Tiffany’s 4th attempt at the Miss USA Pagent, the 3rd time with my help. Tiffany was not convinced she wanted to try again. I said to her, “You don’t ever want to look back some day and say, ‘I wish I’d tried’”. After reflecting for a few weeks, she came back saying, “I’m going to go for it”.

Tiffany never complained, she worked the program: Diet, training, 1 ½ hours of cardio per day. Her body transformed in a way it had never done in the 2 ½ years I’ve been working with her. She looked great, the best she’d ever looked! That gave her confidence during the competition.

Tiffany is well spoken, educated, loves what she does. This time around, she had a different flair of confidence about her than the others. She was both pretty and smart. It was her year. When they called the other girl’s name for 1st runner up, I jumped up, “Holy shit, we won!” For me, it’s the best day when a client does a show and places and is elated they accomplished a goal.

Tiffany’s next step is the Miss USA competition this June in Las Vegas. If she brings the same package to the show, she’ll do really well, she has a great chance of placing.

Linda Stephens Figure Competition Coach Strategy for
2016 Miss Connecticut USA Tiffany Teixeira